Our community is built around the idea of practicing the way of Jesus, together, in our city. We believe that to be an apprentice of Jesus is to order your life around three goals: be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did.
New to Bridgetown?
If you would like to know more about how to get involved with Bridgetown, fill out this brief contact form, and we will reach out to you with more information.
Next Steps
Here are some ways to connect to the life of our city and church.
Alpha is a free course for anyone with questions about life, spirituality, and Jesus. These sessions are designed to encourage conversation and explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, informal environment, where all questions are welcome. Our next Alpha courses will take place in the Fall.
Church is more than a two-hour gathering on a Sunday. Church is not only a crowd gathered around a stage, but a Community sharing life around a table. Bridgetown Communities are the primary way that we practice the way of Jesus, together, in Portland. Our next Basics Course will take place in the Fall, where you learn about Bridgetown Communities, and at the end of the course will be placed into a new or existing Bridgetown Community.
Followers of Jesus are called to become servants. We want to actively demonstrate self-sacrificial love by serving the people around us. It takes a lot of volunteers to sustain the weekly routines of Bridgetown Church. We are a family, and like a family, we all pitch in.
If you are a follower of Jesus and have yet to enter the waters of baptism, we encourage you to take that step. The Baptism Class provides an opportunity to talk through the new identity, new family, and new mission that we have in Jesus. It also provides a great space to answer any questions you might have as you take this important step. Baptisms will take place on Oct 2 at all three gatherings. Register for the Baptism Class taking place on Sep 25.
Attend a Gathering
Attend an online Sunday gathering at 9 AM (Live) or 5 PM. Attend a weekly or Sunday gathering in-person.
Sundays In-Person on the Eastside
Date: Sundays
Time: 9 AM & 11 AM
Location: Bridgetown Church (2120 NE Tillamook St., Portland, OR 97212)
Sundays In-Person Downtown
Date: Sundays
Time: 5 PM
Location: First Baptist Church (909 SW 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97205)
Ages & Stages of Life
If you are a parent of kids or teens, or you are a young adult between the ages of 18-29, learn more about weekly gatherings and events with people in a similar stage of life.
Bridgetown Kids
Bridgetown Kids classrooms are available during the 9 AM & 11 AM Sunday gatherings for ages infant through Grade 5. Learn more about Bridgetown Kids.
Middle School
Bridgetown Middle School gathers on Sundays during the 11 AM gathering. Learn more about how you can get your teen involved.
High School
Bridgetown High School gathers on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. Learn more about how you can get your teen involved.
Young Adults
Learn more about retreats and other events where you can get to know other young adults following Jesus in our city.
Subscribe to the Bridgetown Weekly
To stay connected with the life of our church, subscribe to the Bridgetown Weekly, where you will receive important information about upcoming events and announcements in your inbox.