Hello, Bridgetown Leaders!
Welcome to our second annual Leadership Summit. We wish we could all be together in person, but we are excited to gather with you online. You all mean so much to us and we hope that you will blessed and encouraged during out time together.
Summit Schedule
We are excited for the time we are going to spend together. Take a look ahead at what our weekend will look like. We want to spend our time learning from Scripture, worshiping together, and creating space for the Spirit to speak to us as leaders. Submit your questions via Slido at any time during our Leadership Summit to be answered at the end of our time together on Saturday.
Friday, March 12
7:00 PM: Worship
7:30 PM: Bethany Allen
9:00 PM: Closing
Saturday, March 13
9:00 AM: Worship
9:30 AM: Spiritual Direction (Pt 1)
10:30 AM: Break
10:45 AM: Spiritual Direction (Pt 2)
12:00 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM: John Mark Comer
2:30 PM: Break
2:45 PM: Q&R