The Story of God
The Bible is a story. A single, unified story about God, humanity, and the world that points its readers to Jesus. As disciples of Jesus, we work to understand what the Bible communicates within the context of this great story. To do that, we must know and understand the story itself. Listen along as we explore the meta-narrative, or the overall story arc of the Bible.
This series is part of the Year of Biblical Literacy.
1. Creation: The Kingdom Begins Genesis 1 – 2
2. Fall: The Kingdom Rebels Against The King Genesis 3 – 11
3. Israel: The Kingdom Begins Again Genesis 12 – Malachi
4. Jesus: The King Comes with His Kingdom Matthew – John
5. Church: The Kingdom Spreads To The World Acts - Jude
6. New Creation: The King Comes Back Revelation 21 - 22