The Emotionally Healthy Church
In the church, as a general rule, we often teach people how to read the Scriptures, how to pray, how to repent of sin, have faith, do justice, preach the gospel, etc. But we don’t teach people how to navigate emotional pain. How to feel, and to feel well.
The Emotionally Healthy Church series is designed to reshape our church from the inside out. We want to explore areas that we have never been before in the hopes that we would become more like Jesus.
1. Part 1: The Place of Pain Matthew 26v36-42
2. Part 2: Look Beneath the Surface Luke 4
3. Part 3: Break the Power of the Past Various Scriptures
4. Part 4: Living in Brokenness and Vulnerability Genesis 38
5. Part 5: Receive the Gift of Limits John 1-3
6. Part 6: Sabbath Various Scriptures
7. Part 7: Embrace Grieving and Loss Various Scriptures
8. Part 8: Make Incarnation Your Model for Loving Well Various Scriptures
9. Recap Philippians 2v12-13