Race & Justice
We are reeling from the social disorder in our nation. It has revealed a deep pain in our country and in our city. As racial tension continues to build and the myth of post-racial America is unraveled, we want to open an ongoing conversation about how we, as followers of Jesus, can best respond. Listen to this series as we discuss our role in racial justice.
1. Saving Justice
2. Race & Justice with Mark Strong Matthew 2v16-18
3. An Interview with Richard Probasco
4. A Pastoral Word on Our Cultural Moment Matthew 24
5. One New Humanity Ephesians 2
6. Session 1: Critical Race Theory: An (Un)Necessary Distraction Various Scripture
7. Session 2: Panel Discussion with Q&R
8. Session 3: Ethnic Unity & People of Love Hosea 3
9. Faithfulness & Black History
10. William J. Seymour & Black History
11. Bryan Stevenson & Black History
12. Inclusivity & Black History
13. An Interview with Jonathan Tremaine Thomas for Black History Month
14. Lamin Sanneh & Black History
15. Togetherness & Black History
16. Sonship, Kinship, and Citizenship in the Kingdom of God
17. Black History: Oregon’s Past & Future
18. Black History: Forgiveness & Spiritual Bypassing
19. Black History: Between Two Worlds
20. Black History: Widening Our Imaginations
21. Black History: Legacy & Identity
22. AAPI Heritage: Oregon’s Past & Future
23. AAPI Heritage: Embracing Identity
24. AAPI Heritage: From Majority to Minority
25. AAPI Heritage: Family & Culture
26. AAPI Heritage: Transracial Adoption
27. Justice Summit: Session 1
28. Justice Summit: Session 2
29. Justice Summit: Session 3
30. Hispanic Heritage: Oregon’s Past & Future
31. Hispanic Heritage: Between Cultures
32. Hispanic Heritage: Embracing Community
33. Hispanic Heritage: Redemption & Celebration