In This World You Will Have Trouble
We are more acquainted with God on the mountaintop than in the valley, more acquainted with the Jesus of victory on resurrection morning than Jesus praying through tears in the Garden of Gethsemane, more well-acquainted with the King of Kings than the Suffering Servant. This series, we will be taking an in-depth look at suffering as we learn what it means to suffer with Christ.
1. The Birth and Death of Suffering John 16v33
2. Not What I Expected John 20v24-29
3. Made to Suffer Romans 8v18-28
4. Unanswered Prayer Pt. 1 John 11v1-3, 17-33
5. Unanswered Prayer Pt. 2 Matthew 7v7-8, Luke 18v1-8
6. Lecture: A God of Love. A World of Suffering.
7. Q&R: A God of Love. A World of Suffering.
8. Dignified Suffering Romans 8v14-17