Gospel of Matthew
Jesus: radical rabbi – teacher of a new way to be human. But more, Messiah – long awaited king of Israel and the world, come to usher in a new era of human history that he called the kingdom of God. But even more, “Immanuel” – God with us. Matthew calls this story “good news.” Listen along as we read his biography of Jesus, a story we think we already know, only to discover there’s more under the surface than we could ever imagine.
1. A Genealogy, Really? Matthew 1v1-17
2. Origin Story Matthew 1v18-2v23
3. Out of the Wilderness Matthew 3
4. Into the Wilderness Matthew 4
5. The Kingdom of God Matthew 4v23
6. Who is Actually Blessed? Matthew 5v1-10
7. Salt the Earth, Light the World Matthew 5v11-16
8. What Does Jesus Think About the Bible? Matthew 5v17-20
9. Jesus on Anger Matthew 5v21-26
10. Jesus on Objectification and Oppression Matthew 5v27-32
11. Jesus on Truth and Integrity Matthew 5v33-37
12. Jesus on Breaking the Chain of Violence Matthew 5v38-42
13. Jesus on His Most Radical Idea: Enemy Love Matthew 5v43-48
14. The Tyranny of Living for the Approval of Others Matthew 6v1-4
15. Non-Violence: Interview with Dr. Preston Sprinkle
16. Non-Violence: Interview with Dr. Tim Mackie
17. Non-Violence: Interview with Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe
18. Non-Violence: Interview with Dr. Gerry Breshears
19. Non-Violence: Interview with Dr. Greg Boyd
20. Non-Violence: Interview with Bruxy Cavey
21. Prayer Matthew 6v5-15
22. Fasting Matthew 6v16-18
23. Your Treasure is Doomed Matthew 6v19-21
24. The Eye. The Heart. The Master. Matthew 6v22-24
25. God’s Character, Our Confidence Matthew 6v25-36
26. Jesus on Judgement Matthew 7v1-6
27. Ask. Seek. Knock. Matthew 7
28. The Golden Rule Matthew 7v12
29. Two Ways Matthew 7v13-14
30. Here Comes the Wolf Pack Matthew 7v15-23
31. A Haunting Way to End a Sermon Matthew 7v24-29
32. Receiving the Kingdom, Giving the Kingdom Matthew 8v1-22
33. Storms, Pigs, and the Authority of Jesus Matthew 8v23-9v8
34. Following Jesus and Eating With Sinners Matthew 9v9-13
35. Make Room for the New Thing Matthew 9v14-34
36. Postures for Our Time and Place Matthew 9v35-10v25
37. Dying to Live Matthew 10
38. We’re All Thomas Now Matthew 11v1-15
39. The Secret of the Easy Yoke Matthew 11v16-30
40. A Problem With Tradition Matthew 12v1-21
41. Brood Of Vipers Matthew 12v22-37
42. Big Fish, Queens, and the Family of Jesus Matthew 12v38-50
43. The Four Soils Matthew 13
44. The Wheat & the Weed Wackers Matthew 13v24-43
45. The Inevitability of Rejection Matthew 13v44-58
46. Severed Heads and Phony Kings Matthew 14v1-12
47. Jesus and the Five Thousand Matthew 14v13-21
48. Jesus on Becoming a Non-Anxious Presence Matthew 14v22-36
49. The Heart is a Sewer Matthew 15v1-16
50. Canaanites & Bread Crumbs
51. Bring Us Home Matthew 15v29-39
52. Sign Seeking & Scarcity Mindset Matthew 16v1-12
53. Who Do You Say I Am? Matthew 16v13-20
54. Take Up Your Cross Matthew 16v21-27
55. On Listening Matthew 16v28-17v13
56. The Way of the Mustard Seed Matthew 17v14-21
57. A Story of Death and Taxes Matthew 17v22-27
58. Unless You Change And Become Like Little Children Matthew 18v1-9
59. If Your Brother or Sister Sins… Matthew 18v10-20
60. You Wouldn’t Understand Matthew 18v21-35
61. The Marriage Myth Matthew 19v1-10
62. Singleness & The Family of God Matthew 19v11-15
63. Sitting at the Center Matthew 19v16-30
64. Grace and God’s Generous Justice Matthew 20v1-16
65. Godly Ambition Matthew 20v17-28
66. Steps Into Suffering Matthew 20v29-34
67. Believing Amidst Disappointment Matthew 21v1-17
68. Render unto Caesar Matthew 22v15-22
69. Love is the Measure Matthew 22v34-40
70. The Way of Mercy, Integrity, & Humility Matthew 23
71. To Strengthen The Failing Heart Matthew 24v9-13
72. Gethsemane Prayer Matthew 26v36-46
73. The Differentness of God Matthew 27v27-44
74. Honor & Shame Matthew 27v45-56
75. God is dead. You’re next. Matthew 27v45-56
76. Come and See Matthew 27v55-28v15
77. Blessing the Nations Matthew 28v16-20