Fighting The World, The Flesh, & The Devil
For millennia, apprentices of Jesus have spoken of the “three enemies of the soul” – the world, the flesh, and the devil. But all three have dropped out of the conversation in the modern, western church. So often we struggle to experience the life God had for us and our world, there’s a sense of opposition and pushback and even violence, from within and without. This ancient paradigm has the potential to unlock a new sense of victory and freedom and growth in our life.
1. The Truth About Lies: Part 1 John 8v31-45
2. The Truth About Lies: Part 2 John 8v44-45, Genesis 3v1-15
3. God, the “gods”, and the Spiritual Backdrop of the Bible Various
4. The Devil’s Disinformation Campaign Ephesians 6v10-18, Galatians 4v1-9, Colossians 2v15
5. The Man Who Silenced Satan Luke 4v1-11
6. God of Evil Various
7. Footholds vs Faithfulness Ephesians 4
8. The Slavery of Freedom: Part 1 Ephesians 2v1-5, Galatians 5v13-25
9. The Slavery of Freedom: Part 2 Galatians 6v1-9
10. The Way of the World 1 John 2v15-17
11. Self-Denial in an Age of Self-Fulfillment Matthew 16v21-27