We believe that prayer changes reality. The starting point for all significant works of God is prayer. It is here that we have an opportunity to interact with the Spirit of God and participate in the work of bringing redemption to our city and healing into our lives. Anyone is welcome to come receive prayer. A designated prayer time is available at every church gathering, following the teaching.
Daily Prayer Rhythm
Here is a PDF that you can reference or print of the Daily Prayer Rhythm that we are calling leaders to practice.
Prayer Rhythm (PDF) Prayer Rhythm (Mobile)
Prayer Hubs
We believe that prayer brings about the kingdom of God, and we also believe that prayer produces intimacy with God. We want to see Portland as it is in Heaven while simultaneously becoming a people of God. As a church family, we are engaging in different rhythms around prayer. One of our prayer rhythms is Prayer Hubs, where we will pray The Lord’s Prayer every Tuesday morning in various locations around our city for 8 weeks. Everyone is invited to participate.
Inner Room App
Download the Inner Room App as a tool to help you along your Daily Prayer Rhythm. Features include prayer scripts, audio readings, meditative music, and notification reminders.
Holy Ground PDX
We are amazed at what God did through our 24-7 Prayer Room from Feb 1 through Easter Sunday. We believe that God is not limited to hearing our prayers in one room, but that he hears our prayers anywhere, anytime. That said, we want to see where you pray. Whether you have a designated prayer room, chair, or porch, share photos of your space with us. We will be sharing them on Sundays and on social media.
Holy Ground PDX Resources
We want you to take what you learned in our 24-7 Prayer Room and make it your own. That said, feel free to adapt the Prayer Room Guide to fit your space, routine, and how you feel the Spirit is leading you to pray.
Prayer Room Times
Morning Worship
Time: 8 – 8:45 AM
Location: Bridgetown Church Prayer Room
Healing Prayer Follow-up
If you’ve experienced physical healing through prayer during one of our gatherings, we want to hear your story! Please fill out this form to share with us what happened.
Prayer Resources
Praying for Our City
We believe God wants to revive our city and give it a new name. We have crafted a prayer for Portland based on Isaiah 62 that we will be praying out loud, together, as a church family at our Sunday Gatherings during the Teach Us to Pray teaching series.
Prayer Team & Registration
The prayer team is a group of people who want to help facilitate change in the lives of the people of Bridgetown Church. Participation on this team requires that you be available a couple times a month to pray with people during the designated prayer time, following the teaching. If you are interested in being a part of the Prayer Team listen to the prayer training and register. We will contact you with next steps and to make introductions.
Prayer Training
As followers of Jesus, we believe that God speaks to each of us today through words of encouragement and prophecy. We want to be people who are equipped to step into prophetic ministry over others, making more space for the Spirit of God to move.
Prayer Training: Part 1
Prayer Training: Part 2
Healing Prayer
Recommended Reading
We encourage all our prayer team members to continue learning and growing. Read through these recommended readings and discover how God can develop you as leaders.