Self-Care Backpacks for Survivors of Sex-Trafficking
Sex-trafficking is a complex and nuanced issue that happens throughout the world, including right here in Portland. The average age of entry into this industry is 13 and youth are often trafficked into adulthood. This is frequently due to a lack of resources, safe and supportive networks, and/or other viable options.
There are some incredible organizations in Portland coming alongside these individuals to provide resources, support, and options. Many of these programs are in need of certain items for the survivors that help to restore dignity and remind them of their worth. The greatest need is self-care backpacks.
We are called to be a people of compassion who acknowledge the inherent dignity in every person, and their whole person. As we love and serve our community, we see the face of Christ in each person. As we honor our neighbors that society deems the “least of these,” we honor Jesus.
These backpacks, while a seemingly small gesture, will make a meaningful impact on individuals who have experienced significant trauma. It’s an act of restoring dignity, honor, and worth. Thank you.
How to Assemble a Self-Care Backpack
• View the Backpack List & Guidelines
• Gather new items and place them in the purchased backpack
• Consider including a handwritten and unsealed note of encouragement with the backpack, after reviewing the note guidelines
• Drop the backpack off at our new building on collection day
Collection Time & Location
Date: Sat, Jan 25,
Time: 10 AM – 2 PM
Location: Bridgetown Church, 2120 NE Tillamook St.
Let us know if you have any questions about providing these youth with self-care backpacks.