Dear Bridgetown Church,
As we look back over 2016, we are so thankful to the Father, and to you. Every baptism, healing, work of justice, and encouragement Jesus has done in our midst, has been incredible.
All of this is God’s grace. This is something God has done through us, with you and I as his partners. So we want to say thank you. To God, for his grace. And to you, for your commitment and generosity. Bridgetown happens because week after week you contribute to the work of God. Your generosity makes it possible for Bridgetown to be a kingdom outpost in the middle of our city.
Thank you
Staff & Elders
Practicing the way of Jesus, together, in Portland
Survey Results
Results compiled from 865 voluntary entries in church-wide survey taken September 2016.
Marital Status
Years of Attendance
Part of a Bridgetown Community
Financial Summary
2016 fiscal year for Bridgetown Church extended from Oct 2015 to Sept 2016.
Total Giving
This figure represents 100% of giving before 10% transferred to Hear The Cry and a portion to Church Planting & Evangelism.
Compassion & Justice
10% of every dollar given to the church goes directly to justice work and those in need both globally and locally.
Church Planting & Evangelism
Gifts toward Church Planting & Evangelism directly benefit the work of spreading the gospel of Jesus both globally and locally. In 2016, all of this fund was given to Van City Church, in Vancouver, Wash.
Net General Giving
Ministry Expenses
Ministry Expenses include but are not limited to: Kids, Youth, Young Adults, Men, Women, Benevolence, House of Learning, and Bridgetown Communities.
Wages & Salaries
Wages & Salaries include but are not limited to: Wages and salaries for all staff and benefits for full-time staff.
Operating Expenses
Operating Expenses include but are not limited to: Building Leases, Maintenance, Utilities, Office Supplies, and Insurances.
Net Surplus
By your generosity and God’s grace, we have ended the year with a surplus. Our goal for the 2016 fiscal year was to end with a $150,000 surplus to place into the reserve. Even though we fell short, we are so grateful for your generosity and celebrate your commitment to Bridgetown Church.
Hear The Cry:
Compassion & Justice
As apprentices of Jesus, we have a responsibility to hear the cry of those in need. 10% of every dollar given to Bridgetown Church goes directly to Hear The Cry, a non-profit organization that exists to bring compassion and justice into areas of brokenness around the world. Hear The Cry operates through gifts and volunteers from churches and individuals across the United States. Through Hear The Cry we were able to partner with these organizations and more in 2016.
Oregon, USA
Oregon, USA
Oregon, USA
Oregon, USA
Oregon, USA
Southeast Asia
Hear The Cry:
Justice Initiatives